Filter By Size
- 100 x 100
- 100mm x 100mm Square Filters
Filter By Type
- Camera Lens Filter Kit
- Camera Lens Filter Kits
- Camera Lens Filter Magnetic Frame
- Camera Lens Filters ND8
- Camera Lens Filters Professional Kit
- Camera Lens Light Pollution Filter
- Camera Lens ND Filter
- Camera Lens ND Neutral Density Filter
- Camera Lens ND64 Neutral Density Filter
- Camera lens Neutral Density Filter
- Canon Clip In
- Entry Level ND Lens Filter Kits
- Kase 10 Stop Neutral Density Camera Lens Filter
- Kase K9 100 Series Camera Lens Square Filter Kit
- Kase Square Filter Holder Kit
- Kase Square filter system 150mm
- Kase Square ND Filter
- Kase Starter Lens Filter Kit
- Lens Filter Kit
- Lens Filter System
- Lens ND Filter Kit
- Soft Graduated Lens Filter 0.9
- Square ND Lens Filter
- Star Camera Lens Filter
- Step Up Rings for lens Filters
- Variable Neural Density Camera lens Filter
Filter By Model
- Kase 100mm x 100mm Armour Square Frame
- Kase 100mm x 150mm Armour Square Frame
- Kase Armour 100mm Master Filter Kit
- Kase Armour 95mm ND64 6 stop Filter
- Kase Armour 95mm ND8 3 Stop
- Kase Armour Entry Level Kit
- Kase Armour ND1000 10 stop Camera Lens Filter
- KASE GND0.9 77mm
- Kase High End Kit Square Lens Filters 100mm x 100mm
- KASE Light Pollution Night Filter
- KASE ND1000 10 stop ND Filter
- KASE ND64 100mm x 100mm Square Lens Filter
- Kase Professional ND Kit Wolverine
- Kase Soft Graduated Lens Filter 0.9 82mm
- KASE square ND 100mm x 100mm 3 stop
- Kase Star Burst Magnetic Filter
- Kase Variable ND 2 - 5 stop Lens Filter
- Kase Variable ND 6 -9 stop Lens Filter
- Kase Wolverine 10 Stop Neutral Density Square Lens Filter
- Kase wolverine Entry Level Kit Starter Kit
- Kase Wolverine Series Step up Rings
- Kase Wolverine Square Filters 150mm Master Kit
- KASE Wolverine Square ND Lens Filter Kit
- KR208
Filter By Category
- Brands (37)
- Haida Lens Filters (1)
- Kase Magnectic Shockproof Lens Filters (36)
- Cameras and lenses (39)
- Lens Filters (39)
- Sales & clearance (10)
- 2023 Moving Sale (4)
- Haida and KASE Lens Filters - SALE (3)
- Massive Jusino Tripods clearance sale (2)
- Once a Year Sales (1)
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- In Stock (32)
Kase Magnetic Shockproof Lens Filters , Circular Polarizing, ND Filters, Square Filter System K100
Kase Magnectic Shockproof Lens Filters . Square Filter systems.
KASE Skyeye Series Step Up ring, Magnetic and scre
All Kase Skyeye Magnetic + Screw Step up rings. Multiple sizes to choose from.
In Stock
KASE Skyeye Series Step Up ring, Magnetic and screw filter compatible.
Product Code: K-SURV
Our Price
All Kase Skyeye Magnetic + Screw Step up rings. Multiple sizes to choose from.
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In Stock
Kase Wolverine Magnetic Step-Up Adapter Ring for F
The magnetic circular step-up rings are designed solely for the Kase Circular Magnetic system and remove the need to use both a magnetic lens adaptor and step-up ring. This allows you to use your 82mm or 77mm Magnetic Circular Filters with smaller lenses.
In Stock
Kase Wolverine Magnetic Step-Up Adapter Ring for Filters - Various sizes
Product Code: K-WOLSTEP
Our Price
The magnetic circular step-up rings are designed solely for the Kase Circular Magnetic system and remove the need to use both a magnetic lens adaptor and step-up ring. This allows you to use your 82mm or 77mm Magnetic Circular Filters with smaller lenses.
This item ships from Sydney
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In Stock
2% OFF
RRP $45.95
All Kase Adapter Rings with circular lens hood package - Various Sizes
Product Code: K-Lenshoodadaptkit
Our Price
This item ships from Sydney
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In Stock
Kase Armour Magnetic Frame System 100mm x 100mm x
Kase Armour Magnetic Frames add protection and speed when using 100mm x 100mm filters and are the perfect companion with the Kase Wolverine 100mm series of filters. This is a magnetic Square Camera lens Filter System that belongs to the kase armour series
In Stock
Kase Armour Magnetic Frame System 100mm x 100mm x 2mm
Product Code: K-Armour100mmFrame
Our Price
Kase Armour Magnetic Frames add protection and speed when using 100mm x 100mm filters and are the perfect companion with the Kase Wolverine 100mm series of filters. This is a magnetic Square Camera lens Filter System that belongs to the kase armour series
This item ships from Sydney
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In Stock
Kase Armour Magnetic Frame System 100mm x 150mm x
Kase Armour Magnetic Frames add protection and speed when using 100mm x 150mm filters and are the perfect companion with the Kase Wolverine 100mm series of filters. This is a magnetic Square Camera lens Filter System that belongs to the kase armour series
In Stock
Kase Armour Magnetic Frame System 100mm x 150mm x 2mm Rectangle
Product Code: K-Armour150mmFrame
Our Price
Kase Armour Magnetic Frames add protection and speed when using 100mm x 150mm filters and are the perfect companion with the Kase Wolverine 100mm series of filters. This is a magnetic Square Camera lens Filter System that belongs to the kase armour series
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In Stock
Kase Magnetic Woverine Shockproof ND1000 ND Lens F
The Kase Wolverine Magnetic ND1000 Solid Neutral Density 3.0 Filter is an ND filter with a 1000x filter factor that provides a 10-stop exposure reduction. An included Kase magnetic lens adapter ring allows the filter to be used on a lens with front filter
In Stock
Kase Magnetic Woverine Shockproof ND1000 ND Lens Filter 10 stop From 77mm
Product Code: K-ND10
Our Price
Kase ND1000 and Magentic Adapter ring Neutral Dens
Individual Neutral Density Nd1000 (10 Stop) Filter and Adaptor Ring. Can be used with other Kase Wolverine 77mm Magnetic Circular Filters or on its own with supplied lens adaptor.
In Stock
Kase ND1000 and Magentic Adapter ring Neutral Density Len Filter 77mm
Product Code: K-ND1000-77mm
Our Price
Individual Neutral Density Nd1000 (10 Stop) Filter and Adaptor Ring. Can be used with other Kase Wolverine 77mm Magnetic Circular Filters or on its own with supplied lens adaptor.
This item ships from Sydney
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In Stock
Kase K100 Series K9 Lens Filter Holder Kit
This kit comes with the following: K9 Holder, CPL Filter, Step Up Rings, Adapter Rings.
In Stock
16% OFF
RRP $214.95
Kase K100 Series K9 Lens Filter Holder Kit
Our Price
This kit comes with the following: K9 Holder, CPL Filter, Step Up Rings, Adapter Rings.
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In Stock
Kase ND1000 and Magentic Adapter ring Neutral Dens
Individual Neutral Density Nd1000 (10 Stop) Filter and Adaptor Ring. Can be used with other Kase Wolverine 82mm Magnetic Circular Filters or on its own with supplied lens adaptor.
In Stock
Kase ND1000 and Magentic Adapter ring Neutral Density Len Filter 82mm
Product Code: K-ND1000-82mm
Our Price
Individual Neutral Density Nd1000 (10 Stop) Filter and Adaptor Ring. Can be used with other Kase Wolverine 82mm Magnetic Circular Filters or on its own with supplied lens adaptor.
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In Stock
Kase K100 ND8 Lens Filter 3 stop ND Square 100mm x
K100 ND32
This Kase 100 x 100mm Wolverine ND0.9 Filter is compatible with a Kase 100mm Filter Holder or other filter holders that can accommodate 100mm-wide, 2mm-thick filters.
In Stock
Kase K100 ND8 Lens Filter 3 stop ND Square 100mm x 100mm
Product Code: K-K100ND8
Our Price
This Kase 100 x 100mm Wolverine ND0.9 Filter is compatible with a Kase 100mm Filter Holder or other filter holders that can accommodate 100mm-wide, 2mm-thick filters.
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In Stock
Kase K100 Series ND64 6 stop Square ND filter 100m
KASE K100 ND64
This Kase 100 x 100mm Wolverine Solid ND 1.8 Filter is compatible with a Kase 100mm Filter Holder or other filter holders that can accommodate 100mm-wide, 2mm-thick filters.
In Stock
17% OFF
RRP $229.95
Kase K100 Series ND64 6 stop Square ND filter 100mm x 100mm
Product Code: K-K100N64
Our Price
This Kase 100 x 100mm Wolverine Solid ND 1.8 Filter is compatible with a Kase 100mm Filter Holder or other filter holders that can accommodate 100mm-wide, 2mm-thick filters.
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In Stock
Kase Skyeye Magnetic Circular Filters Entry Level
This KASE skyeye magnetic filters kit consist of a Magnetic UV filter, C-POL filter, ND64 (3 stop) filter, filter bag and front lens cap. It is the perfect entry level kit for any photographer. We sell this is 77mm and 82mm.
In Stock
Kase Skyeye Magnetic Circular Filters Entry Level Kit
Our Price
Kase Skyeye Magnetic Starter Lens Filter Kit 77mm
Kase Skyeye Starter Kit
Kase Magnetic starter kit comes with a Magnetic UV filter, C-POL Filter, front lens cap and back lens cap.
In Stock
Kase Skyeye Magnetic Starter Lens Filter Kit 77mm and 82mm Available
Our Price
Kase Armour ND8 - 3 Stop Neutral Density Camera Le
The Kase Armour Neutral Density filters go a step further from the Kase Wolverine Neutral Density filters. With a circular magnetic design, they are the perfect tool when you want to reduce the amount of light captured in your photography. KASE ND8 3 stop
In Stock
Kase Armour ND8 - 3 Stop Neutral Density Camera Lens Filter ND 95mm
Product Code: K-armourND8
Our Price
The Kase Armour Neutral Density filters go a step further from the Kase Wolverine Neutral Density filters. With a circular magnetic design, they are the perfect tool when you want to reduce the amount of light captured in your photography. KASE ND8 3 stop
This item ships from Sydney
This item ships from overseas
In Stock
KASE Soft GND.09 Wolverine Magnectic Circular Lens
Kase Wolverine Mag Circular Soft GND0.9 & Adaptor Ring 77mm. Individual Circular Soft Graduated Filter and Adaptor Ring. Can be used with other Kase Wolverine 77mm Magnetic Circular Filters or on its own with the supplied 77mm lens adaptor.
In Stock
KASE Soft GND.09 Wolverine Magnectic Circular Lens FIlter and adapter ring 77mm
Our Price
Kase Wolverine Mag Circular Soft GND0.9 & Adaptor Ring 77mm. Individual Circular Soft Graduated Filter and Adaptor Ring. Can be used with other Kase Wolverine 77mm Magnetic Circular Filters or on its own with the supplied 77mm lens adaptor.
This item ships from Sydney
This item ships from overseas
In Stock
Kase Skyeye Entry Level ND Neutral Density Filters
Kase Skyeye Entry Level
Kase Skyeye Magnetic Entry level ND kit consist of a C-POL filter, ND8, ND64, adapter ring, filter bag, front lens cap. We stock the 77mm and 82mm kits but you can also use step up adapter rings to fit on other lens sizes.
In Stock
Kase Skyeye Entry Level ND Neutral Density Filters Kit
Our Price
Kase Armour Circular ND1000 10 stop ND Camera Lens
The Kase Armour Neutral Density filters go a step further from the Kase Wolverine Neutral Density filters. With a circular magnetic design, they are the perfect tool when you want to reduce the amount of light captured in your photography. Kase ND1000
In Stock
Kase Armour Circular ND1000 10 stop ND Camera Lens Filter 95mm
Product Code: K-ARMOURND1000
Our Price
The Kase Armour Neutral Density filters go a step further from the Kase Wolverine Neutral Density filters. With a circular magnetic design, they are the perfect tool when you want to reduce the amount of light captured in your photography. Kase ND1000
This item ships from Sydney
This item ships from overseas
In Stock
Kase Armour 95mm Circular ND64 6 stop Camera Lens
With a circular design, they reduce light leaks in combination with the Armour Holder further protecting the Neutral Density filter from accidents and the weather. KASE ND64 95mm 6 Stop ND Filter Australia.
In Stock
Kase Armour 95mm Circular ND64 6 stop Camera Lens Filter
Product Code: K-armourND64
Our Price
With a circular design, they reduce light leaks in combination with the Armour Holder further protecting the Neutral Density filter from accidents and the weather. KASE ND64 95mm 6 Stop ND Filter Australia.
This item ships from Sydney
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In Stock
KASE Soft GND.09 Wolverine Magnectic Shookproof Ci
GND0.9 82mm
Kase Wolverine Mag Circular Soft GND0.9 & Adaptor Ring 82mm. Individual Circular Soft Graduated Filter and Adaptor Ring. Can be used with other Kase Wolverine 82mm Magnetic Circular Filters or on its own with the supplied 82mm lens adaptor.
In Stock
KASE Soft GND.09 Wolverine Magnectic Shookproof Circular Lens FIlter and adapter ring 82mm
Our Price
Kase Wolverine Mag Circular Soft GND0.9 & Adaptor Ring 82mm. Individual Circular Soft Graduated Filter and Adaptor Ring. Can be used with other Kase Wolverine 82mm Magnetic Circular Filters or on its own with the supplied 82mm lens adaptor.
This item ships from Sydney
This item ships from overseas
In Stock
Kase ND1000 Square 100mm x 150mm ND Lens Filter 10
The Kase Wolverine Neutral Density filters are your perfect companion when you want to reduce the amount of light captured in your photography. This can be used to great effect to increase your exposure times for your images,
In Stock
RRP $259.95
Kase ND1000 Square 100mm x 150mm ND Lens Filter 10 stop
Product Code: K-SND1000
Our Price
Kase Skyeye Magnetic Professional Lens Filter Kit
Kase skyeye Magnetic professional Kit comes with a C-Pol, ND1000 (10 stop),S-GN Soft Graduated 0.9 filter, Magnetic adapter ring, filter bag, front lens cap. We stock 77mm and 82mm kits and you can use step up rings for other sizes.
In Stock
Kase Skyeye Magnetic Professional Lens Filter Kit
Our Price
Kase Wolverine Magnetic Shockproof Lens Filters- E
Kase Wolverine Magnetic Circular Filters Entry Kit Consists of a MCUV, ND64, CPL, Magnetic Adaptor, Carry Pouch and Magnetic Lens Cap.
In Stock
Kase Wolverine Magnetic Shockproof Lens Filters- Entry Level Starter Kit
Our Price
Kase Skyeye ND Professional Kit Neutral Density Ki
This Kase Skyeye Series professional ND kit comes with CPL, ND8, ND64, ND1000, Adapter Ring, Filter Bag, and front lens caps. We stock both the 77mm and 82mm kit. You can use Kase step up rings for this to fit other lens sizes.
In Stock
Kase Skyeye ND Professional Kit Neutral Density Kit
Our Price
Kase Magnetic Wolverine Shock proof Lens Filters -
Kase Wolverine Magnetic Circular Filters Professional Kit Professional Kit consists of a ND8, ND64, ND1000, Polariser, Magnetic Adaptor, Carry Pouch and Magnetic Lens Cap .
In Stock
RRP $679.95
Kase Magnetic Wolverine Shock proof Lens Filters - Professional ND Kit
Our Price
Kase K100 Wolverine Entry Level Kit Lens Filter 10
Kase K100 Wolverine Entry Level Kit Lens Filter 100mm x 100mm Square Filter System. Magnetic X-CPL (Polarising filter) 2 x Geared adapter rings, 2 x Step rings: 67-82mm & 72-82mm, Soft Filter Bag, Wolverine 100x100
In Stock
Kase K100 Wolverine Entry Level Kit Lens Filter 100mm x 100mm Square Filter System
Our Price
Kase K100 Wolverine Entry Level Kit Lens Filter 100mm x 100mm Square Filter System. Magnetic X-CPL (Polarising filter) 2 x Geared adapter rings, 2 x Step rings: 67-82mm & 72-82mm, Soft Filter Bag, Wolverine 100x100
This item ships from Sydney
This item ships from overseas
In Stock
Kase Square 100mm x 100mm ND Lens Filter Kit K100
This is a KASE Square 100 x 100 filters ND Kit. The kit comes with ND8, ND64, ND1000, and a leather carry pouch.
In Stock
Kase Square 100mm x 100mm ND Lens Filter Kit K100 Neutral Density
Our Price
This is a KASE Square 100 x 100 filters ND Kit. The kit comes with ND8, ND64, ND1000, and a leather carry pouch.
This item ships from Sydney
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In Stock
Kase Armour Filter Holder | Kase Armour Magnetic E
Entry Level Kit
The Kase Armour holder system takes the best of both Kase systems – Magnetic circular and 100mm filters system and combines the two together in an innovative solution. Holder, CPL,ND64,S-GND0.9, 77 & 82mm rings, 67-82 step
In Stock
8% OFF
RRP $899.95
Kase Armour Filter Holder | Kase Armour Magnetic Entry-Level Filter Kit
Holder, CPL,ND64,S-GND0.9, 77 & 82mm rings, 67-82 step
Our Price
The Kase Armour holder system takes the best of both Kase systems – Magnetic circular and 100mm filters system and combines the two together in an innovative solution. Holder, CPL,ND64,S-GND0.9, 77 & 82mm rings, 67-82 step
This item ships from Sydney
This item ships from overseas
In Stock
Kase Armour Filter Holder | Entry Level Kit II
Entry Level Kit
The Kase Armour holder system takes the best of both Kase systems – Magnetic circular and 100mm filters system and combines the two together in an innovative solution. Holder, CPL,ND1000,S-GND0.9, 77 & 82mm rings, 67-82 step
In Stock
7% OFF
RRP $899.95
Kase Armour Filter Holder | Entry Level Kit II
Holder, CPL,ND1000,S-GND0.9, 77 & 82mm rings, 67-82 step
Our Price
The Kase Armour holder system takes the best of both Kase systems – Magnetic circular and 100mm filters system and combines the two together in an innovative solution. Holder, CPL,ND1000,S-GND0.9, 77 & 82mm rings, 67-82 step
This item ships from Sydney
This item ships from overseas
In Stock
Kase K100 Wolverine High End Level Kit Lens Filter
Kase K100 Wolverine High End Level Kit. K9 Holder Kit, 90mm CPL, 2 x Geared adapter rings: 77-90mm & 82-90mm – Magnetic,, ND64, K100, GND0.9 100 x 150, Reverse GND0.9 100 x 150 and soft bag. Some step up rings included.
In Stock
Kase K100 Wolverine High End Level Kit Lens Filter 100mm x 100mm Square Filter System
Our Price
Kase K100 Wolverine High End Level Kit. K9 Holder Kit, 90mm CPL, 2 x Geared adapter rings: 77-90mm & 82-90mm – Magnetic,, ND64, K100, GND0.9 100 x 150, Reverse GND0.9 100 x 150 and soft bag. Some step up rings included.
This item ships from Sydney
This item ships from overseas
In Stock
The Kase Wolverine Master kit 100mm is the ultimate way to start your Kase experience. Featuring the next-gen K9 holder system, and 5 Kase Wolverine 100mm system filters. SGND0.9, SGND1.2, R-GND0.9 ,ND64, ND1000, Polariser
In Stock
KASE WOLVERINE SERIES – MASTER KIT 100MM K9 Square Filter Kit 100mm x 150mm
SGND0.9, SGND1.2, R-GND0.9 ,ND64, ND1000, Polariser
Product Code: K-150mmMASTERsquare
Our Price
The Kase Wolverine Master kit 100mm is the ultimate way to start your Kase experience. Featuring the next-gen K9 holder system, and 5 Kase Wolverine 100mm system filters. SGND0.9, SGND1.2, R-GND0.9 ,ND64, ND1000, Polariser
This item ships from Sydney
This item ships from overseas
In Stock
Kase Armour Master Lens Filter Kit 100mm System -
The Kase Armour System incorporates round 95mm magnetic filters that fit into the round opening of the filter holder. CPL/ND8/ND64/ND1000/Doublegrad M-GND0.9+R-GND0.9/Bag/Cap.
In Stock
Kase Armour Master Lens Filter Kit 100mm System - Master Kit 2
CPL/ND8/ND64/ND1000/Doublegrad M-GND0.9+R-GND0.9/Bag/Cap
Our Price
The Kase Armour System incorporates round 95mm magnetic filters that fit into the round opening of the filter holder. CPL/ND8/ND64/ND1000/Doublegrad M-GND0.9+R-GND0.9/Bag/Cap.
This item ships from Sydney
This item ships from overseas
In Stock
Kase Armour Master Lens Filter Kit 100mm System
The Kase Armour System incorporates round 95mm magnetic filters that fit into the round opening of the filter holder. CPL/ND64/ND1000/S-GND0.9/R-GND0.9/S-GND1.2/Adapter Rings/BAG/CAP
In Stock
Kase Armour Master Lens Filter Kit 100mm System
Our Price
The Kase Armour System incorporates round 95mm magnetic filters that fit into the round opening of the filter holder. CPL/ND64/ND1000/S-GND0.9/R-GND0.9/S-GND1.2/Adapter Rings/BAG/CAP
This item ships from Sydney
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In Stock
Kase Revolution From 77mm Magnetic Inlaid Ring
Kase Revolution 77mm Magnetic Inlaid Ring for Revolution Filter in 77mm. To choose different sizes of inlaid rings please use the options menu.
Sold Out
Kase Revolution From 77mm Magnetic Inlaid Ring
Product Code: K-REVOInlaidRing
Our Price
Kase Revolution 77mm Magnetic Inlaid Ring for Revolution Filter in 77mm. To choose different sizes of inlaid rings please use the options menu.
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Sold Out
he Kase Canon R5/6 Clip-in filters are an innovative and clever idea to allow you to use filters on any Canon R5/6 Camera & Lens combination*, no matter how wide.
Sold Out
Product Code: KR208
Our Price
he Kase Canon R5/6 Clip-in filters are an innovative and clever idea to allow you to use filters on any Canon R5/6 Camera & Lens combination*, no matter how wide.
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Sold Out
KASE 82mm Star Burst Magnetic Filter and Adapter R
The Kase Dream Star Magnetic Filter is made from toughened optical glass. It adds durability in the case of an accidentally dropped lens. The size of the filter is 82mm, which can be used on 100mm square filter holders with many different sizes of lenses.
Sold Out
KASE 82mm Star Burst Magnetic Filter and Adapter Ring
Product Code: K-Star82mm
Our Price
The Kase Dream Star Magnetic Filter is made from toughened optical glass. It adds durability in the case of an accidentally dropped lens. The size of the filter is 82mm, which can be used on 100mm square filter holders with many different sizes of lenses.
This item ships from Sydney
This item ships from overseas
Sold Out
Kase Night Filter Kit incl Star Focusing Filter an
Kase Night Star Filters K
This package comes with a 2mm Wolverine 100mm X 100mm Light Pollution Filter and a carry pouch. This is a square filter that will combine nicely with the KASE K9 filter holder).
Sold Out
19% OFF
RRP $319.95
Kase Night Filter Kit incl Star Focusing Filter and pollution filter 100mm x 100mm Square
Product Code: K-NFK
Our Price
This package comes with a 2mm Wolverine 100mm X 100mm Light Pollution Filter and a carry pouch. This is a square filter that will combine nicely with the KASE K9 filter holder).